这是我的第一个博客,我自己有个模具网站 www.sino-mould.com.cn 不过以前我有一个, fobshanghai 上的,那个玩意的资料挺多的,这个也是做我的资料库了, 模具mould 资料库: A-C Air Burn: A patch or streak of brown or black material on the component caused by air or gases that have not been properly vented from the mold and have caused the material to overheat and burn. Antioxidant: Additive used to help protect plastics from degradation through sources such as heat, age, chemicals, stress, etc. Antistatic Agent: Additive used to help eliminate or lessen static electricity from the surface of the plastic part. Aspect Ratio: Ratio of total flow length to average wall thickness. Back Pressure: The pressure applied to the plastic during screw recovery. By increasing back pressure, mixing and plasticating are improved; however, screw recovery rates are reduced. Backing Plate: A plate used as a support for the mold cavity block, guide pins, bushings, etc. Blistering: A raised or layered patch of material on the surface of the component. Boss:...