
目前显示的是 五月 26, 2013的博文

How to mainten the plastic mold?

For a plastic mold company operation,the daily maintenance for plastic mold is very important,and the following is  some tips for the plastic mold maintenance 一.准備清模工具:噴槍,氣槍,手電鉆,去漬油,砂紙,碎布,油石,煤油,圓銅刷,棉花. Prepare mold cleaning tools:spray gun,Air gun,electric hand drill,Cleaning fluid , clean Cloth ,Oil stone,Kerosene,Round copper brush,Cotton. 二.用油石將公母模入子的油污清除.(400#油石) Use oil-stone to polish dirt on the inserts, which is fixed in mold cavity or core. 三. 用油石清除排氣槽內塑料.(400#油石) Use oil stone to polish plastic off, which trapped in air-vents. 四.用噴槍吸去漬油清洗模仁入子,用棉花擦乾淨. Use spray gun to clean solvent liquid , wash mold inserts , wipe it off with cotton 五.拆出水塞將鉆頭裝在手電鉆上,清除公母模仁水孔內污垢. take out the water plug of mold , Use electric drill to clean the cooling channel in mold core/cavity. 六.用圓銅刷清洗公模仁內頂針孔,斜梢孔,用去漬油清洗再用棉花擦拭乾淨. Use round copper brush to clean ejector hole,lifter hole in the core of mold . Use solvent liquid to clean them, then, wipe them with cotton. 七.用砂紙拋光頂針,去除頂...