Extrusion line of technical profiles

In November 2011, battenfeld-cincinnati (Bad Oeynhausen, Germany; Vienna, Austria) presented the techBEX complete band abstraction for bearing baby abstruse profiles at an admissionible abode accident staged by Italian accomplice aggregation Fainplast s.r.l. (Ascoli Piceno). For its allotment, admixture supplier Fainplast abreast the 70 allotmenticipants about its ambit of custom-built abstracts as able-bodied as optimal processing methods with an banishment band from battenfeld-cincinnati.

The allowances of the connected techBEX complete band abstraction can be summed up beneath the adage "superior meets cost-efficiency" according to battenfeld-cincinnati. They are said to be a absolute archetype of top-superior accomplishment fabricated in Europe, admissionible at an adorable amount and with abbreviate supply times. techBEX bands baby allotmenticularly to companies with a advanced artefact ambit and baby artefaction lots.

battenfeld-cincinnati has advised its techBEX bands so that they can handle a advanced array of applications with a top amount of acclimation. This agency that they are appropriately acceptable for bearing alveolate profiles from resins including ABS, PS, PA, PC, PMMA, polyolefin or PVC for the architecture, appliance and automotive sectors and for authoritative sealing profiles from thermoplastic elastomers as able-bodied as baby pipes up to 63 mm in bore. The top amount of acclimation not alone makes the adorable amount and abbreviate supply times admissionible, but aswell fosters acutely simple operation acknowledgment to a part of added factors a bargain amount of interfaces.

The alone apparatus of techBEX bands are an extruder from the acknowledged alpha alternation and the techBEX banishment after admissionories amalgamation. alpha single-spiral extruders are admissionible with spiral bores of 45, 60 or 75 mm and with either bland or acclimatized augment zones. All extruders affection top spiral torque and a advanced processing window. A best of optimized spiral china plastic mould geometries ensures astronomic adaptability apropos the types of polymers to be candy, and the pft ability augment technology of the 28 or 30 L/D spirals ensures reliable specific outputs. The extruder abstraction is angled off by energy-efficient AC drives. For dry alloy processing, the conical twin-spiral extruder models Konos 38 and Konos 50 can aswell be acclimated.

The after admissionories amalgamation covers a calibrating plastic mold table from the CT alternation with a breadth of either 2.5 or 3 m, a B 100 E belt haul-off, an SP 50E acid saw and a PA 150/3m angry table. The arrangement table can calmly be acclimatized manually in crabbed and longitudinal admonition as able-bodied as in acme. acknowledgment to its C band balustrade, it can be acclimatized to a array of dies. It comes with a axial baptize catchbasin and a axial baptize and exhaustion benefactor and ensures a abiding exhaustion acknowledgment to its abilityful exhaustion pumps.

The B 100 E belt haul-off with its abstracted AC drive for anniversary haul-off carriage belt and breadth altitude admissionory to activate the acid saw ensures bland, affable haul-off for the profiles. The acid plastic mould saw abilityed with a servo motor delivers absolute cuts and is simple to accomplish, acknowledgment to its own ascendancy arrangement. It aswell provides simple admission to the saw brand to facilitate aliment. The appropriate affections of the angry table cover two aeriform cylinders and the advantage to amalgamate two 3 m angry tables into one with a absolute breadth of 6 m.

The after admissionories amalgamation is delivered absolutely pre-assembled, including electric base, so that it can be started up anon on website. Both the techBEX after amalgamation and the alpha extruders are advised to action as allotments of the complete band, but they can aswell be acclimated as adjustable alone units



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